The Wars of Gods and Men in Ireland and Scotland

One of my favorite books on the subject of ancient astronauts is The Wars of Gods and Men by Zecharia Sitchin. His in-depth investigation into mankind’s history, and the extraterrestrials who have visited us throughout the millenia, is exhaustive.

He studied ancient texts from around the world, including the Old Testament, Sumerian tablets, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Greek gods, Hindu gods, and a multitude of others, and then compared the stories. Zecharia Sitchin lays it out for us, how some of these gods and kings were actually extraterrestrials, and he points to the old texts as proof.

He demonstrates that some battles in ancient history included extraterrestial “gods” fighting either with men, or against them — hence the book title, The Wars of Gods and Men.

Zecharia Sitchin lists passages and descriptions that read like nuclear weapons blasting Earth 4,000 years ago. He provides an alternate theory for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

I was not thinking about The Wars of Gods and Men when I wrote Fomorian Earth and Shades of Moloch, the first two books in the Star Borne series. I was focused on bringing the Irish history of the Fomorians and the Tuatha dé Danann to life in a fictional, speculative setting.

There is a strong possibility that the Fomorian giants were descended from extraterrestrial giants, the very same that spawned the biblical Nephilim and other giants of legend. Their rivals on Earth were the blond-haired, blue-eyed Tuatha dé Danann, whose descriptions perfectly match the Nordic aliens that still visit Earth today.

These two races duked it out in ancient Ireland, Scotland, and the Hebrides Islands, right alongside Humans. Historians have used several methods to pinpoint a timeline of events, and their methods give us multiple dates to choose from, so I chose a median date of 1500 BC when writing the series, for the arrival of the Tuatha dé Danann in Ireland. The Fomorians were already on the scene at that time.

From the Tuatha dé Danann came several High Kings of Ireland whose reigns added together were less than 200 years, with dates ranging from 1897 BC through 1287 BC depending on the dating method used. Their lifetimes in Ireland and the surrounding regions lasted longer than their kingship, however, into the timeline of St. Patrick circa 500 AD, according to some legends.

These dates are of key importance because archeologists have dated the vitrified forts to a range of 800 BC through 900 AD — a timeline that coincides with the ancient aliens in both time and location. Over 200 of these forts have been discovered, most of them in Scotland, a few in Wales and Ireland, and other countries as well.

Vitrified forts are stone fortresses that were subjected to temperatures in excess of 1,000 degrees Celsius, which is 1,832 degrees Fahrenheit. This liquifies the stone, which then hardens into a crystalline form of rock. The walls are weakened by the process, so it wasn’t done to strengthen a fortress. Only portions were vitrified, usually the walls in the strongest defensive positions, which suggests that they were attacked as if by weapons’ fire — but no known weapons of that era could produce such an effect.

Even today, our efforts to duplicate the results demonstrate the sheer difficulty of such an undertaking, and our attempts to vitrify an actual ancient fort failed to match the originals. Vitrified forts may be one of the smoking guns which prove that ancient aerial weaponry was blasting Earth from above. There are alternate theories, but this one is prominent among the ancient astronaut theorists.

If the Fomorians and the Tuatha dé Danann were extraterrestrial, and they lived at the same time and place that the stone fortresses became vitrified, how can you not connect the dots?

From this possibility comes one of the storylines in the fictional book Shades of Moloch: Star Borne: 2, in addition to several other ancient Scottish legends such as kelpies, shellycoats, black eagles, Molucca beans, Kellas cats, Callanish stones, and the Sligachan River fountain of youth. From Ireland and the Isle of Skye come legends of the hero Cú Chulainn (Cullo in the series) and his nemesis Dornolla, a tattooed sorceress.

Shades of Moloch is the second book in the series, which starts with Fomorian Earth: Star Borne: 1. Travel back in time to what Human life on Earth was like under alien domination.

Fomorian Earth is fictional, but it is inspired by actual legends from Celtic Ireland. Both the Fomorian giants, and the Tuatha dé Danann were considered gods — pagan gods of the Old World — with the Fomorians being evil gods opposed to the good Danann gods and goddesses. Star Borne brings the wars of gods and men in Ireland back to life, adding starships and intergalactic wars to the legends.

  • Star Borne Series

    Fomorian Earth


    Shades of Moloch


    Renegade Genius


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