Early Humans Watching a Cornfield Grow

Imagine early humans watching a cornfield grow. Sounds boring, doesn’t it? But if you’ve never seen it before starting with a field of bare dirt up close, followed by little sprouts of green that quickly shoot up over your head, amazement begins to set in. Soon tassels form at the top looking a bit like wheat, and having no idea where the corn actually appears, you wonder if that becomes the corn. But then along the cornstalk you see beautiful, swirling clusters of cornsilk and you know that the bulge below is an ear of corn.

We take it for granted, the process of corn growing in the fields. We take it for granted that farmers take care of it all, and that it magically appears in the grocery store in some form.

Our ancestors thousands of years ago, never having raised a crop… who knows what corn even looked like back then sprouting up like a weed amidst a thousand other plants.

And then one day star people drifted down out of the sky and landed among us — and they stayed. They lived among us as teachers, mentors, kings and queens, and neighbors. We were terrified and mesmerized by these beings who looked like us, but not quite. You could not mistake an extraterrestrial for a human unless they presented themselves that way.

They taught us how to plant corn and tend the fields, how to diagnose crop diseases and failures, and how to irrigate when necessary. Our ancestors told us this. And yet today, we’ve chosen to dismiss the ancient legends.

Star People of the Americas shows how the gods of the Incas taught us farming, just as other deities did around the world. Forbidden Islands of the Gods gives evidence that ancient legends of star people must have been true, because we’d already been living on Earth for millions of years unchanged before they came along to change our way of life.

Arrogant humans want to take credit for those early achievements, as if we figured it out all by ourselves. But the truth says otherwise. We didn’t figure it out after millions of years, and then came farming along with ancestral legends of the extraterrestrial beings who gifted this knowledge to mankind.

Nordic Aliens and the Star People of the Americas

Nordic Aliens and the Forbidden Islands of the Gods

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