Kindle Comic Creator Application

I decided to give the Kindle Comic Creator Application a try for a kid’s book entitled, “Do Turtles Eat Strawberries.” I’d already successfully published several coffee table photo books on Kindle which were written in straight HTML, then run through Kindlegen, and then again through Calibre. That’s been my sequence for publishing Kindle books on a Macintosh.

“Do Turtles Eat Strawberries” was a chapter in the adult nature book “Over the Hummingbird’s Rainbow,” and it nagged at me that this chapter needed to be adapted into a book for children. I had dozens of photographs to tell the story. I just needed to organize them, and add captions to build the story.

For the children’s book, the text is part of each image rather than separate from the images. That allowed me to choose a font without needing to embed it. Amazon’s Kindle Comic Creator Application sounded like the logical option for ease of creation.

There was a learning curve to this book creator tool, and I did need to download the PDF user guide, as well as the Amazon Kindle Publishing Guidelines for a refresher course on acceptable image sizes.

Comic books, manga books, graphic novels, and straight image books are allowed to have bigger images than standard Kindle books, but they must be specially formatted. The Kindle Comic Creator Application took care of all that behind the scenes.

Once you’ve created all the pages, added images, filled in the metadata and settings, the Kindle Comic Creator Application exports the book into a Kindle-ready MOBI file with no additional steps needed. No muss, no fuss — I like that!

There is a down side, however. Fixed-layout Kindle books aren’t eligible for the Look Inside feature at this time, so unfortunately, buyers must make a decision solely on the merit of the cover. The work-around is the ability on the product page to upload images, and build your own Look Inside.

As for the children’s book that started it all, Do Turtles Eat Strawberries is a fun read for kids between the ages of 3 and 8 who love turtles and dogs.

Down in the strawberry patch, somebody is eating the strawberries, but who? Is it the dog, Dakota? Or is it a great, big land turtle?

Facts are fun when they’re in a story, and your child will learn where Eastern Box Turtles live, what they eat, how they hibernate, their lifespan, and whether or not they eat strawberries.

Pictures include:

  • Australian Cattle Dog/Husky mix
  • Eastern box turtle
  • two different toads
  • Eastern king snake
  • minotaur dung beetle
  • black, white, and yellow striped caterpillar
  • woolly bear caterpillar
  • labeled map of the United States
  • a snail on a leaf
  • snails on a mushroom
  • strawberries and blackberries

Every page in Do Turtles Eat Strawberries is a full color photograph, and is laid out as both a first reader, or beginning reader for young children, and as a fun story about dogs and turtles for older children.

45 story pages — suitable for kids of ages 3 to 8.

  • Backyard Nature Kids

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