The Giant, Stone Age Seri Indians Prove that the Smithsonian Believed in Giants

Perhaps we’ve grown tired of rehashing the government conspiracy theories over the Roswell UFO crash and the presence of aliens flying the skies, because now we’ve got new material to chew on — the government covering up discoveries of giant skeletons.

There is no doubt that giants walked the Earth during the Stone Age and Bronze Age, at which point we went after them with everything we had in an annihilation campaign, and we had extraterrestrial help in killing the giants off. This is detailed in the book Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants.

It’s also documented that the Smithsonian Institution, which is basically a government institution, has been collecting giant bones for more than a hundred years. The question is, are they covering up the existence of giant skeletons?

At least through the year 1904, the answer is a definitive NO. One of the leading Smithsonian anthropologists, W. J. McGee, not only believed in giants, it was his mission to display them publicly in what later became known as a Human Zoo.

William McGee wanted to exhibit every phase of mankind’s journey through time, starting with the Stone Age Seri Indians of Sonora, Mexico, in a series of living exhibitions. The venue was the St. Louis World’s Fair which opened on April 30, 1904, and ran for several months.

The fair celebrated the anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, and the anthropological exhibit was deemed “the university of the future.” The exhibition would give millions of people an opportunity to learn about mankind’s history and development through living displays.

Each segment of human evolution and development would be featured in villages, with natives living in the villages the same as they did back home. McGee was tasked with organizing an exhibition to represent “all the world’s peoples, ranging from the smallest pygmies to the most gigantic peoples” to demonstrate cultural evolution. Natives from Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Alaska, and the American Southwest were put on display.

The main attraction was pygmies and giants. One pygmy, Ota Benga, lived in the forests of the Congo with his wife and two children when the militia attacked his village and killed his family. He was off hunting and survived, only to be later captured by slave traders.

Explorer Samuel Verner was contracted to travel the world and bring back pygmies for the anthropological exhibition. He purchased Ota from the slave trader for a bolt of cloth and a pound of sugar. Ota helped Verner convince four others to join them, and they were featured in the pygmy exhibits at the St. Louis World’s Fair.

When the fair ended, Ota ended up at the Bronx Zoo after a visit to his homeland. Allegedly he was free to make his own decisions, and chose to remain in the United States. These Human Zoos were common in centuries past, and when Ota was displayed with apes in the Bronx Zoo, he became the poster child for shutting down Human Zoos.

The World’s Work, Volume VIII, Number 4 was published in 1904 to showcase the World’s Fair at St. Louis. It sported over 5,000 pages with articles and photos. Among the exhibitors — the Smithsonian Institution and the National Museum. This is also detailed in Overlord of the Savage World by John William Troutman in 1997.

William McGee was one of the leading anthropologists at the Smithsonian Institute leading up to the World’s Fair, but he resigned his position in August 1903. Rumors abound as to the reason for his resignation, and the event made the news. This was posted in The Sun, a New York newspaper, on August 15, 1903.

  • “Professor W. J. McGee, ethnologist in charge of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, has resigned. He has made no explanation of his action, but it is believed that his resignation was caused by differences of opinion with Professor W. H. Holmes, who was made chief of the bureau several months ago. Professor McGee and Professor Holmes could not agree, it is said, as to the proper division of authority at the bureau. Professor McGee is ethnologist of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and as such, will be busy for the next year.”

Some believe that he was miffed at being passed over for promotion to head of the bureau, a position which he’d already been filling unofficially. Others allege that a financial scandal was in play. Whatever the cause, McGee left the Smithsonian and focused his attention on the anthropological exhibit at the World’s Fair.

McGee wrote an article for The World’s Work describing his exhibit. It was titled, “Strange Races of Men” and it featured the development of prehistoric man, and villages of some of the most peculiar people in the world, including the “hairy Ainu, Patagonian giants, African pygmies” and the American Indian, all “living as they do at home.” Clearly McGee, the Smithsonian, and the National Museum all believed in the existence of giants in 1904.

The main attraction of giants was supposed to showcase the giants of Patagonia, and the giant Seri Indians of Sonora, Mexico. Another main attraction was supposed to depict a tribe still living as if in the Stone Age, and the Seris represented both.

McGee had made an expedition to Mexico just a few years before this Human Zoo, through his position at the Smithsonian, and he studied the most primitive tribes he could find, including the Seri and the Cocopa. He wanted to depict man’s earliest beginnings. With the Seri reputation of being both primitive, and giants, that may be what initiated McGee’s trip to Tiburon Island, previously known as the Isle of Giants, where the Seri Indians lived.

Four years before the fair, Professor McGee appeared in an article entitled, “The Tiburon Islanders” which was published in The Florida Star on July 27, 1900. He was quoted as saying:

  • “The Seri people never stop growing until death.”
  • “Men and women gigantic in stature, savage and defiant toward the civilized world, who tear and eat the flesh of living animals — such are the inhabitants of the Isle del Tiburon.”
  • “One of the most remarkable things about the Seri is that they seem to keep on growing all their lives… an extraordinary phenomenon…”
  • “Reputed cannibals…”
  • “Tales of their untamable habits and cannibalistic tendencies…”

He had completed an expedition into Seri territory, interviewed dozens of Seri, and put together hundreds of pages on everything from their lifestyle to the study of a skeleton which was published. Dozens of first-hand accounts from explorers, ranchers, missionaries, and soldiers were included.

McGee failed to acquire a tribe of Seri for the World’s Fair as he’d hoped, but he did present a tribe of Tehuelche Patagonians, once known as the giants of Patagonia, but later “proven” to be simply tall — not as gigantic as legends proclaimed. Both tribes are detailed in the book Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants, which demonstrates that they were indeed giants at one time, but by intermixing with shorter humans, their height decreased.

Either way, the World’s Fair demonstrates that in 1904, the government was not trying to cover up the existence of giants — they were attempting to showcase giants.

If there was a cover up, it likely started in 1947 and coincided with the Roswell UFO crash. Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants demonstrates that a race of giant extraterrestrials visited Earth, and that evidence of giant skeletons were found with advanced technology at the same time as the UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, though not in the same location. In other words, some giants were extraterrestrial, and if there is a government conspiracy to cover up the existence of giants, that’s why.

This discovery, along with the bizarre trail of evidence that preceded it, appears to be directly connected to Area 51 in Nevada. No conspiracy could be more fantastic, complete with missing witnesses, and allegations of a giant hoax.

The Tehuelche Patagonians, the giant Seri cannibals, the giant skeletons and Area 51, DNA evidence, and several genetic mutations and abnormalities that may prove the existence of an ancient race of giants, are all featured in the book Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants.

  • Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants

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