Ancient Alien Giants Triggered the Neolithic Revolution

Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants takes a provocative look at extraterrestrials who visited Earth thousands of years ago, and lifted Stone Age humans up out of a savage lifestyle in what was known as the Neolithic Revolution. We’d been living, unchanged, for millions of years, stuck in a Stone Age, or pre-Stone Age way of life. Homo sapiens are the product of that visitation, if not physically, then at least in our rapid advancement technologically.

The Smithsonian interactive timeline of human evolution suggests that the pre-Stone age lasted roughly 4 million years, and that it was another 2 million years before we developed fire. Six million years is a long time to be stuck in a rut when you look at the advancements that we now make in just 100 years.

For millions of years, species of humanoids lived virtually unchanged, occasionally dying out and new versions taking their place. Australopithecus anamensis… Australopithecus africanus… Paranthropus boisei… Homo habilis… These hominids and at least nine others lived for awhile and then went extinct, and we hadn’t even developed the use of fire yet.

These precursors of Homo sapiens didn’t leave much for us to know them by. The pre-Stone Age hominids didn’t manufacture tools, even chipped stone arrowheads, for us to study. There were no engraved tablets or pyramids, such as we discovered in Egypt and Sumeria millions of years later. The early species died out, and we don’t even have their legends handed down through the generations, presuming they even had the ability to formulate a legend.

When Homo sapiens arrived on the scene, meaning humans in our current form, generations passed down their knowledge, in the spoken word only, one person to another. We can’t know how the oral legends may have changed through generations of retelling, but we do know that the legends included stories of extraterrestrials coming down to Earth.

They were our teachers, literally sparking a new age of human development in what was known as the Neolithic Revolution. After millions of years of virtual stagnation, suddenly our progress escalated by leaps and bounds, and always credit was given to benefactors who came down from the heavens.

More interesting than what ancient aliens did for us, however, are the tribes that were unaffected by ancient alien visitation. Primitive tribes existed on the fringes of civilized society, and still do today, according to a National Geographic article called “Uncontacted Tribes: The Last Free People on Earth.” They live in the Amazon jungles of Brazil, and the rain forests of West Papua, and other remote regions where civilization hasn’t yet reached, but is trying to. The very existence of these tribes is threatened.

One such tribe that we annihilated within the last 400 years was the Seri tribe of Sonora, Mexico. Their island was once called the Isle de Gigante, for the giants who lived on it — the Seri Indians. It was later renamed Tiburon Island.

The lifestyle of the Seri Indians from the year 1500 through the 1800s echoes the history of South American tribes, whose own legends claim that they were cannibals who lived in caves and holes, until they were visited by a race of gods from the heavens. Those gods came down and lifted them out of a savage life by teaching them the arts of civilization. The Seri may not have lived in caves and holes, but their story is much the same, minus the gods.

At the same time, all around the world we have legends of prehistoric giant cannibals who terrorized humans, and these legends are one of the highlights of Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants. Who were these giants? Were they humans who missed out on the godly visits? Were they the offspring of gods with humans? Were they remnants of hominids who we thought were extinct?

The Seri were described by everyone who encountered them as giants and cannibals, who lived a pre-Stone Age lifestyle, and who terrorized their human neighbors. They were so cunning and vicious that troops of armed soldiers were afraid of them, and often died attempting to fight them. But we went after them with everything we had, for hundreds of years, until we destroyed most of them and assimilated the rest.

Had we known how important the Seri Indians might be in our ability to study human history, maybe we’d have tried harder to learn about them rather than exterminate them. What could they have taught us about human history? Human evolution? Human learning? And in what ways humans were touched by the gods?

Maybe we still have a chance to learn with other tribes who still exist, but are endangered by human “progress.” Even today, the battle rages on between the rights of “civilization” against the rights of indigenous peoples. Like the Seri, these Stone Age tribes are losing because we want their land. Maybe it isn’t possible to know them without contaminating them, though surely we could find a way with our amazing spy technologies, before the opportunity is lost forever.

The Seri were rare in that they were once giants, and these other tribes are not. That set them apart, in the questions they could have answered. Virtually every society around the world has ancient beliefs of a race of giants who predated humans. These beliefs fogged over with the passage of time and became fairytale myths and folklore.

Evidence does exist to substantiate the myths, however, and elevate them back into the realm of legitimate history — and this history included extraterrestrial teachers.

Perhaps that’s one of the missions of extraterrestrials today. If ancient aliens did indeed visit Earth to become our teachers and mentors, sharing their knowledge of agriculture, livestock, astronomy, and teaching us how to live in organized villages with roads and permanent housing, this is how they might have proceeded:

  • Set up extraterrestrial colonies in multiple locations around the world.
  • If the natives, meaning prehistoric humans, are friendly, then allow the humans to remain free, and teach them.
  • If the natives are hostile, then just move on until you find aborigines who welcome your presence.
  • If ALL of the natives in the world are hostile, and you are determined to teach them a new way of life, you may need to set up military strongholds to protect yourself before embarking on this campaign as a benefactor. Then you might capture enough Earthlings to create a village, then set up a village for them and show them how to live in it, manage it, and run farms. Do this in multiple locations around the world.
  • You might even vary the teaching as an experiment, just to see how each community moves forward.
  • Maybe you’d even tinker with their DNA. After all, your advanced science needs outlets to keep the scientists occupied.

You wouldn’t need to teach every human on the planet — you would teach just enough humans to get the ball rolling. Once you were certain that this new way of life was firmly established, you’d board your starships and fly away back home.

You wouldn’t come back except to check on them from a distance, and watch how it played out, especially the interactions between the humans that you taught, and those that you left alone.

If your knowledge spread out into the world from those initial villages, and converted other Stone Age aborigines into Bronze Age settlers, you’d watch the world with happy eyes, knowing that this was your great accomplishment.

From a scientific point of view, you might be focused on the tribes that you did not teach — those who were isolated from the rest. You’d generate thousands of spreadsheets of data on their progress, versus the progress of your students, versus the progress of the second-hand students who were taught by your students. You might even come back once every thousand years or so and add a few new subjects to the teaching.

Of course, this presumes a willingness in the human students to learn, and not all humans are on board with outsider intrusion. Among the unwilling — the Seri tribe of Sonora, Mexico, who shunned civilization and chose to attack it, rather than join it. Maybe it was our own failure to approach them with respect, and not force ourselves on them. Or maybe it was an inherent attachment to their way of life. Maybe they fought us, because we attacked first. Or maybe we were simply defending ourselves. We will never know. The original Seri giants never had a chance to tell their side of the story.

Esteemed anthropologists studied the Seri as best they could, considering the danger of doing so. They were able to study a single skeleton in the late 1800s, and their assessment is nothing short of astonishing. There is every indication, from the bones to the lifestyle, that the Seri as they existed from 1500 into the 1800s, represented prelithic or protolithic humans, meaning that they hadn’t even moved into the Stone Age yet. Their bones matched Stone Age skeletons, but their way of life hadn’t achieved that milestone yet.

Meet this amazing tribe in the book, Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants. Explore the evidence of extraterrestrial visitors who lifted similar tribes out of the Stone Age and into the Bronze Age. What really happened thousands of years ago between humans and aliens who came down from the skies? Judge the evidence for yourself.

  • Ancient Aliens and the Age of Giants

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